Apple launched a series of latest smartphones at its event on October 13. The Cupertino-based technology giant has officially launched the new generation iPhone12 series with 5G technology. They introduced four variants in the series — iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro & iPhone 12 Pro Max. Now when it comes to Apple products, we know that prices are always on the higher end. Fans of Apple products are constantly looking up to the prices of these new smartphones. To make it easier, we bring you a chart of prices of all the four phones in India as well as outside. iPhone 12 Price Funny Memes Are Here to Crack Indians Up! From ‘Sell Kidney’ Jokes at the Price List to iPhone 12 Looking Like iPhone 5, Internet Explodes With Hilarious Posts.

 Apple held a virtual 'Hi-Speed' event on October 13 and the American company introduced iPhone 12 series along with new accessories with MagSafe. The new iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Mini also introduces new colours to the smartphones. They will be available in five colours - blue, green, black, white, and red. The iPhone 12 Pro versions will be offered in four shades - graphite, silver, gold, and pacific blue. But if you are keenly interested in just the pricing, we give you the details for all the iPhone 12 variants. Apple iPhone 12 Prices & Specifications Leaked Ahead of its Launch.

iPhone 12 Series Prices in India and US

iPhone 12 Model No Price in India       Price in US
iPhone 12 64 GB Rs 79,900 $799
iPhone 12 128 GB Rs 84,900 $849
iPhone 12 256 GB Rs 94,900 $949
iPhone 12 Mini 64 GB Rs 69,900 $699
iPhone 12 Mini 128 GB Rs 74,900 $749
iPhone 12 Mini 256 GB Rs 84,900 $849
iPhone 12 Pro 128 GB Rs 1,19,900 $999
iPhone 12 Pro 256 GB Rs 1,29,900 $1,099
iPhone 12 Pro Max 256 GB Rs 1,39,900 $1,099
iPhone 12 Pro Max 512 GB Rs 1,59,900 $1,399

Now that you have the price chart, you can decide on which one you have to buy. Let us inform you, the pre-orders for iPhone 12 begin on October 16, with availability from October 23. iPhone 12 mini will be available for pre-order beginning November 6. Customers will be able to purchase the phone from November 13 onwards. In the Indian market, the iPhone 12 and iPhone Pro will be available in India from October 30.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 15, 2020 11:53 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website