Apple iPhone 13 is now being sold for as low as Rs 50,900 for the 128GB model. India iStore website is offering an exchange bonus of up to Rs 18,000 on iPhone 13 models. That's not all. Buyers can also get a cashback of Rs 6,000 via ICICI Bank debit/credit cards, Kotak Bank debit, credit cards and SBI credit cards. After applying the instant store and cashback discounts, the effective price of the iPhone 13 comes down to Rs 68,900 for the 128GB model. Apple AirPods Pro 2 To Reportedly Come With Built-In Fitness Tracking Sensor.
Now, if you apply the exchange bonus of up to Rs 18,000, the effective price gets even lower. Buyers can exchange their old smartphone to purchase an iPhone 13. It is important to note that you will not get a complete bonus of Rs 18,000. The value depends on the working condition of your old device.
The deal is not only limited to the 128GB model. iPhone 13 256GB and 512GB are also listed on the website and get some discounts as that of the base model. The effective prices of 256GB and 512GB models, after applying all discounts, is Rs 60,900 and Rs 80,900.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 03, 2022 02:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website