The moment Apple announced the new iPhone last week, people across the globe went crazy. Reportedly, fans in Singapore started to queue up to get their hands on the latest iPhone devices which includes iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR alongside Apple Watch Series 4. However, the crowd who were stationed outside the store were greeted with a surprise! “Here’s a power bank. You’ll need it. Courtesy of Huawei.” Yes, the China-based smartphone maker promoted their product by handing over the devices for free to all those who are waiting, seemingly bored, outside the Apple store along Orchard Road. It is indeed a brilliant yet cheeky marketing gimmick! Apple Fans Queue Up In A Long Line To Get Their Hands On New iPhones - Watch Video.
Hardware Zone posted pictures of Huawei staff handing out power banks to all those of hundreds of Apple fans in line. If we go by media reports, about 200 power banks were distributed to the people in line. Now, the devices the Chinese company were giving are not cheap or even old units. Huawei’s SuperCharge 10,00mAh power temprop="position" content="2">