India’s tennis ace Prajmesh Gunneswaran wins the Bronze Medal for India after losing to Uzbekistan's Denis Istominat in the Men’s Semi-Finals at the on-going Asian Games 2018, Jakarta. However, the outing ensures another medal for India. The game between the two lasted for about an hour and 15 minutes. The first game in the first set started very well for the Indian as he was leading the game by 40-0. But Prajnesh faced a tough time as and when the game proceeded and then in a sudden turn around of events, Denis took away the game by 2-0. The Indian, however, tried hard to make a comeback but could not make a comeback and lost the first set by 6-2.
The second set was no different for the Indian ace. In the 35-minute long set, the Indian could not make a comeback. In the second set, Prajnesh looked very determined to break even and even levelled the scored but h