After former Pakistan cricket captain Shoaib Malik revealed on Saturday that he has entered into a second marriage with popular Pakistani actor Sana Javed, Sania Mirza's father, Imran Mirza, mentioned that it was a 'khula,' signifying the right of a Muslim woman to unilaterally divorce her husband. Shoaib Malik, who had previously tied the knot with Sania Mirza in April 2010, shared a photograph with his new wife on social media along with the words "And We created you in pairs." The cricketer's five-year-old son, Izaan, from his previous marriage, resides with Sania Mirza. Shoaib Malik Marries Sana Javed: All You Need To Know About Pakistani Actress Who Married the Cricketer Formerly Wedded to Sania Mirza.
Sania Mirza And Shoaib Malik Got Divorced Few Months Ago
Speculations about troubles in Shoaib and Sania relationship had been circulating since 2022, and the couple had been rarely seen together in recent years. Malik's recent decision to unfollow Sania Mirza on Instagram added fuel to the ongoing rumours.
Shoaib Malik's new chapter involves a union with Sana Javed, a renowned actor who had previously married singer Umair Jaiswal in 2020. However, just two months prior, reports emerged about Sana Javed and Umair Jaiswal's divorce.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 20, 2024 04:18 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website