SAI Initiates Probe Into Female Cyclist’s Complaint of Inappropriate Behaviour by Chief Coach

"The Sports Authority of India has received a complaint from a cyclist of inappropriate behaviour by a coach during a foreign exposure camp in Slovenia. The coach was appointed on the recommendation of the Cycling Federation of India," SAI said in a statement on Monday. This camp was the preparatory camp for Asian Track Cycling Championships which is scheduled at Delhi from 18-22 June 2022," the Cycling Federation said in its official statement.

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SAI Initiates Probe Into Female Cyclist’s Complaint of Inappropriate Behaviour by Chief Coach

"The Sports Authority of India has received a complaint from a cyclist of inappropriate behaviour by a coach during a foreign exposure camp in Slovenia. The coach was appointed on the recommendation of the Cycling Federation of India," SAI said in a statement on Monday. This camp was the preparatory camp for Asian Track Cycling Championships which is scheduled at Delhi from 18-22 June 2022," the Cycling Federation said in its official statement.

Sports IANS|
SAI Initiates Probe Into Female Cyclist’s Complaint of Inappropriate Behaviour by Chief Coach
SAI logo (left) and CFI (right) (Photo credit: Facebook)

Mumbai, June 6: The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has initiated an investigation and the Cycling Federation of India (CFI) has extended full support to a female cyclist who has complained against the chief coach for alleged inappropriate behaviour during a foreign exposure camp in Slovenia.

"The Sports Authority of India has received a complaint from a cyclist of inappropriate behaviour by a coach during a foreign exposure camp in Slovenia. The coach was appointed on the recommendation of the Cycling Federation of India," SAI said in a statement on Monday. Khelo India Youth Games 2021 Medal Tally

"We have received a complaint...against the Chief coach (Sprint) of the Indian National team, Mr. R.K Sharma regarding inappropriate behaviour during the Training-cum-Competition Foreign exposure trip to Slovenia. This camp was the preparatory camp for Asian Track Cycling Championships which is scheduled at Delhi from 18-22 June 2022," the Cycling Federation said in its official statement.

"Following the complaint by the athlete, SAI has immediately brought her back to India to ensure her safety and has also constituted a committee to investigate the matter. The matter is being dealt with on priority and will be resolved shortly," the SAI statement said. The rest of the players with coach R.K Sharma are coming back to India on June 14, 2022, the CFI informed.

The CFI stands with the complainant and has already convened to Sports Authority of India and the complainant that the decision of the committee formed by the SAI will have the full support of the Federation on the decision, said the federation.

The Federation also formed a committee with the Secretary-General Maninder Pal Singh, SS Sudeesh Kumar, President, Kerala Cycling, Dipali Nikam, chief coach of Maharashtra cycling Team and V.N Singh, Assistant Secretary, CFI, who met the complainant on Monday and assured her full support during the time SAI committee comes out with its findings and decision, the federation informed in its official statement.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 06, 2022 07:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

SAI Initiates Probe Into Female Cyclist’s Complaint of Inappropriate Behaviour by Chief Coach
SAI logo (left) and CFI (right) (Photo credit: Facebook)

Mumbai, June 6: The Sports Authority of India (SAI) has initiated an investigation and the Cycling Federation of India (CFI) has extended full support to a female cyclist who has complained against the chief coach for alleged inappropriate behaviour during a foreign exposure camp in Slovenia.

"The Sports Authority of India has received a complaint from a cyclist of inappropriate behaviour by a coach during a foreign exposure camp in Slovenia. The coach was appointed on the recommendation of the Cycling Federation of India," SAI said in a statement on Monday. Khelo India Youth Games 2021 Medal Tally

"We have received a complaint...against the Chief coach (Sprint) of the Indian National team, Mr. R.K Sharma regarding inappropriate behaviour during the Training-cum-Competition Foreign exposure trip to Slovenia. This camp was the preparatory camp for Asian Track Cycling Championships which is scheduled at Delhi from 18-22 June 2022," the Cycling Federation said in its official statement.

"Following the complaint by the athlete, SAI has immediately brought her back to India to ensure her safety and has also constituted a committee to investigate the matter. The matter is being dealt with on priority and will be resolved shortly," the SAI statement said. The rest of the players with coach R.K Sharma are coming back to India on June 14, 2022, the CFI informed.

The CFI stands with the complainant and has already convened to Sports Authority of India and the complainant that the decision of the committee formed by the SAI will have the full support of the Federation on the decision, said the federation.

The Federation also formed a committee with the Secretary-General Maninder Pal Singh, SS Sudeesh Kumar, President, Kerala Cycling, Dipali Nikam, chief coach of Maharashtra cycling Team and V.N Singh, Assistant Secretary, CFI, who met the complainant on Monday and assured her full support during the time SAI committee comes out with its findings and decision, the federation informed in its official statement.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 06, 2022 07:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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Shubman Gill Amongst Four Gujarat Titans Players Likely To Be Summoned By CID In INR 450 Crore Chit Fund Scam

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