For days now, the internet is flooded with news about Mohamed Salah's leaked Snapchat video. Now in the video, it is said that it's Mohamed Salah who is seen showing off the private part of his body to a Brazilian model. He is also seen sending vulgar nude videos to the model from Brazil. The fans were also shocked to see these videos making rounds and a few of them were even sad to see the Liverpool star's name being dragged in a controversy like this. Mohamed Salah Expresses Desire To Remain at Liverpool, Insists He Isn’t ‘Asking for Crazy Stuff’ Amidst Talks of a New Contract.
The Liverpool star is yet to respond to this controversy that has been brewing on social media. But Salah's fans worked overtime to prove that the man in the video is not the Liverpool star. Salah has a massive fan following all across the globe and has over more than 48 million followers on Instagram. Needless to say that these videos caught the attention of the fans. For now, many sources on the Internet have labelled the video as fake. Salah is not the first to have had come across this kind of instance on social media. Many celebrities have faced this kind of issue in the past.
Talking about Salah's professional aspect, he has regularly been in the news for his goal-scoring abilities. The video of his goals has gone viral on social media. for now, he has scored 17 Premier League goals and 8 goals in the Champions League 2021-22.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 22, 2022 10:40 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website