In an unfortunate development in Karnataka, a man allegedly died by suicide after losing his a huge amount of money in online gaming. he committed suicide allegedly died by suicide on June 30, Friday at his hometown after suffering a loss estimating nearly Rs. 65 Lakh. The investigating Police identified the demised as a person named Vijith Shantarama Hegade from Sirsi in Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district. The death of Hegade wasn't known before Saturday afternoon. It was later known that his death occurred on Friday night. MCC Apologises to Australian Cricket Team After Abuse and Physical Jostling of Players in the Lord's Long Room During Ashes 2nd Test, Team Management Requests Investigation.
On Saturday morning, Hegade's wife informed his parents that he has not returned home. Hegade, who had come to Sirsi, left his parent’s home on Friday night and told them he was heading to Bengaluru in a bus. Hegade's parents, anxious after receiving the news, informed the local police station, who tracked his mobile phone and surprisingly it led them back to his own house. After searching further his deadbody was found in the forest behind his home. PCB Writes Letter to Pakistan Government for Travel Clearance for ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, Says Report.
Speaking to the Indian Express, a police officer, probing the case, said they are yet to unlock his mobile phone. “We do not know which online games he was addicted to. We came to know he had earned a lot of money initially but later lost it. He had also taken loans from a bank and his friends,” the officer added.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 02, 2023 11:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website