In a shocking turn of events, India's distance runner Govindan Lakshmanan is stripped of his bronze medal in men’s 10,000m event in Jakarta Palembang 2018 Asian Games on Sunday. The 28-year-old was disqualified after he stepped off the track during the men's 10000m finals. He had clocked 29:44.91 time to finish third behind gold medallist Chani Hassan of Bahrain who had a time mark of 28:35.54 and silver medal winner Cheroben Abraham of Bahrain with a time of 29:00.29. However, it is Changhong Zhao of China who takes the third spot and bronze medal. Catch Asian Games 2018 Live News Updates: India Hopes to Increase Medal Count on Sunday.

India's Govindan Lakshmanan missed out on taking a medal in the men's 10,000 metres category at the 18th Asian Games here on Sunday as he was disqualified following an official review. The Indian Army runner had originally finished third, which would have earned the first Asian Games medal for India in that event after a gap of two decades. But the Indian was disqualified because his foot touched the inside of the track. With this latest development India’s medal tally in Asian Games 2018 is back to 35 including 7 gold, 9 silver and 19 bronze.

Earlier, Muhammed Anas and Hima Das claimed the silver medals in the men's and women's 400 metres races respectively at the 18th Asian Games on Sunday. Anas completed the race in 45.69 seconds to be second, while Hima clocked 50.79 seconds to take the second place in the women's race. On Saturday, Tajinderpal Singh Toor had won gold medal in men’s shot-put event.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 26, 2018 07:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website