Argentina vs France, FIFA World Cup 2022 Final: Key Players to Watch Out for from Both the Squads

The much-awaited FIFA World Cup 2022 final is a day later and this game will see some top players taking the field for their respective countries. Ahead of the match, let us check out who the key players are to watch out for, in this match.

Football Ashwani Mishra|
Argentina vs France, FIFA World Cup 2022 Final: Key Players to Watch Out for from Both the Squads
Kylian Mbappe (left), Lionel Messi (middle) and Antoine Griezmann (right) (Photo credit: Twitter @FIFAWorldCup and @RoyNemer)

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has been a hugely entertaining affair with plenty of upsets and brilliant performances-both individual and team as the curtain closes on the gala showpiece this Sunday with France taking on Argentina in the final. It certainly looks like a battle of equals on paper and there is a general feeling that the game will be decided by a moment of brilliance from either side. There are several superstars in both teams and the game also features a certain player considered the Greatest of All Time which is generating a lot of buzz. France will be looking for a modern-day record with back-to-back World Cup triumphs while Argentina looks to bring back the Cup to Buenos Aires for the first time since Diego Maradona was at the peak of his footballing prowess in 1986. FIFA World Cup 2022: France Squad Struck by Virus Ahead of Final Against Argentina

A look at the five players who can have an impact on the outcome of the 2022 FIFA World Cup final.

Lionel Messi (Photo Credit: Twitter @RoyNemer)

  • Lionel Messi – The Argentina skipper will be playing his last World Cup game and the extraordinary player would certainly give it all to help his side lift the title. With 5 goals and 3 assists, he certainly has been the best player of the tournament and the way he tormented Croatia’s Josko Gvardiol for the third goal against Croatia, his legs are perfectly fine despite him being 35.

Kylian Mbappe (Photo credit: Twitter@FIFA World Cup)

Antoine Griezmann (Photo credit: Twitter @FIFAWorldCup)

  • Antoine Griezmann – The Atletico Madrid playmaker is massive for the French side as he is the one player that is responsible for the quick transition from midfield to the attack. He will occupy the pockets of spaces in the final third and trocial-icon-sm facebook-sm" onclick="shareOpen('', 900, 500);" href="javascript:void(0);">
Football Ashwani Mishra|
Argentina vs France, FIFA World Cup 2022 Final: Key Players to Watch Out for from Both the Squads
Kylian Mbappe (left), Lionel Messi (middle) and Antoine Griezmann (right) (Photo credit: Twitter @FIFAWorldCup and @RoyNemer)

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has been a hugely entertaining affair with plenty of upsets and brilliant performances-both individual and team as the curtain closes on the gala showpiece this Sunday with France taking on Argentina in the final. It certainly looks like a battle of equals on paper and there is a general feeling that the game will be decided by a moment of brilliance from either side. There are several superstars in both teams and the game also features a certain player considered the Greatest of All Time which is generating a lot of buzz. France will be looking for a modern-day record with back-to-back World Cup triumphs while Argentina looks to bring back the Cup to Buenos Aires for the first time since Diego Maradona was at the peak of his footballing prowess in 1986. FIFA World Cup 2022: France Squad Struck by Virus Ahead of Final Against Argentina

A look at the five players who can have an impact on the outcome of the 2022 FIFA World Cup final.

Lionel Messi (Photo Credit: Twitter @RoyNemer)

  • Lionel Messi – The Argentina skipper will be playing his last World Cup game and the extraordinary player would certainly give it all to help his side lift the title. With 5 goals and 3 assists, he certainly has been the best player of the tournament and the way he tormented Croatia’s Josko Gvardiol for the third goal against Croatia, his legs are perfectly fine despite him being 35.

Kylian Mbappe (Photo credit: Twitter@FIFA World Cup)

Antoine Griezmann (Photo credit: Twitter @FIFAWorldCup)

  • Antoine Griezmann – The Atletico Madrid playmaker is massive for the French side as he is the one player that is responsible for the quick transition from midfield to the attack. He will occupy the pockets of spaces in the final third and try and come up with the precision through passes.

Raphael Varane (Photo credit: Twitter @Football__Tweet)

  • Raphael Varane – The Manchester United defender was in danger of missing the World Cup but worked tremendously on his fitness to be back in time and is now once again a massive player in defence. He will need to be on top of his game to stop Lionel Messi and this is where his big game experience will come in handy.

Enzo Fernandes (Photo credit: Twitter @RealMadridCFFR1)

  • Enzo Fernandes – One of the standout performers of the World Cup in Qatar, Enzo Fernandes’ positional awareness and ability to set off quick counter-attacks make him special. France do often leave spaces in the middle and this is where he could capitalize.

As is the case with big finals, the gameplay would be rigid with not too many attacking opportunities and might be decided by a solitary goal.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 17, 2022 06:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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Antoine Griezmann (Photo credit: Twitter @FIFAWorldCup)

  • Antoine Griezmann – The Atletico Madrid playmaker is massive for the French side as he is the one player that is responsible for the quick transition from midfield to the attack. He will occupy the pockets of spaces in the final third and try and come up with the precision through passes.

Raphael Varane (Photo credit: Twitter @Football__Tweet)

  • Raphael Varane – The Manchester United defender was in danger of missing the World Cup but worked tremendously on his fitness to be back in time and is now once again a massive player in defence. He will need to be on top of his game to stop Lionel Messi and this is where his big game experience will come in handy.

Enzo Fernandes (Photo credit: Twitter @RealMadridCFFR1)

  • Enzo Fernandes – One of the standout performers of the World Cup in Qatar, Enzo Fernandes’ positional awareness and ability to set off quick counter-attacks make him special. France do often leave spaces in the middle and this is where he could capitalize.

As is the case with big finals, the gameplay would be rigid with not too many attacking opportunities and might be decided by a solitary goal.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 17, 2022 06:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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