Late in the day, it was wrestler Divya Kakran that delivered brilliantly for India at 2018 Asian Games. The 20-year-old wrestler won the Bronze medal in Women’s 68kg Freestyle Wrestling on Tuesday. With 3 Gold, 3 Silver, and 4 Bronze medals in its kitty, India is on the 7th position in latest medal standings of Jakarta Palembang 2018!

Indian wrestler Divya defeated Chinese Taipei’s Chen Wengling in a one-sided contest. The match’ ended in less than 90 seconds. Such was Divya’s dominance in the competition that she won the match on the basis of technical points 10-0, and class points 4-0.

See what Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore Had to Say on Divya Kakran's Victory:

Divya Kakran hails from Delhi and began wrestling from the early age of 5. It was her father, Suraj Kumar, who encouraged her to try the sport. She aspires to compete at 2020 Tokyo Olympics and considers senior-pro Sushil Kumar as he idol.

The following medal win has increased India’s medal tally to 10. Earlier in the day, Saurabh Chaudhary and Abhishek Verma won Gold and Bronze medals in the Men’s 10m Air Pistol event.

Also, it was Sanjeev Rajput who won a Silver medal in 50m Rifle 3 Positions event, after a close-fought contest. It was a historic moment for the Indian Sepak Takraw team as they won their first-ever medal in the sport, earlier today.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 21, 2018 06:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website