India cricket team captain Virat Kohli wished "his captain" MS Dhoni on the latter's birthday. Kohli, in a heart-touching post on social media site Instagram, praised Dhoni and paid rich tribute to the former India cricket team captain. The post shows the bonhomie between Kohli and Dhoni and the special rapport shared by the former captain and the current Indian cricket team captain. MS Dhoni Birthday Special: Recalling MSD's Three Special Knocks in Test Matches, Watch Videos.
"Very few people understand the meaning of trust and respect and I'm glad to have had the friendship I have with you for so many years. You've been a big brother to all of us and as I said before, you will always be my captain 🙂," said Kohli in the post. Happy Birthday MS Dhoni: On Former Indian Captain's Birthday, Let's Have a Look at Five Gestures that Earned Mahi More Fans (Watch Video).
Read Kohli's Message in the Insta Post Below
MS Dhoni celebrates his 38th birthday on July 7, 2019. The most successful Indian cricket team captain has more than 10,000 runs in the ODIs and close to 5,000 runs in the Tests.
Dhoni is the only captain to have won all the important and leading ICC Cricket tournaments as a captain. Dhoni and Kohli share a special bond, since Kohli has been captained for a large part of his career by Dhoni, right from the time when Kohli made his appearance in international cricket. Kohli will look to pay the perfect tribute to MS Dhoni by winning the 2019 Cricket World Cup trophy.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 07, 2019 06:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website