Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli recently shared a picture with teammate Shreyas Iyer on Instagram and thanked him for bringing neer dosas to his home. The two right-handed batsmen live mere 500 meters away from each other in Mumbai and are sharing delicious food amid the COVID-19 lockdown. Expressing gratitude towards Iyer’s family, the top-ranked ODI batsman also sent some mushroom biryani to his teammate’s home. Well, many major cricket activities have been paused amid the COVID-19 crisis. However, Kohli and Iyer are certainly taking care of each other. Virat Kohli Has a Hilarious Response As Sunil Chhetri Throws Fitness Challenge at Him.

"A kind neighbour who lives 500 m away from us brought us some home made neer dosas and made us smile. A big Thank you to your mom amigo we haven't had such delicious dosas for a longgg time. Hope you enjoyed the mushroom biriyani we sent back. Good man @shreyas41 . P.S- these are the new picture norms with social distancing," wrote Virat while sharing the snap on the picture-sharing website. Virat Kohli Workout Video: Indian Cricket Team Captain Picks Power Snatch As His Favourite Exercise.

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Kohli has been quite active on social media in recent times and is constantly posting his workout videos. In fact, in one of his recent videos, the talismanic batsman revealed that power snatch is his favourite fitness drill.

Meanwhile, BCCI president Sourav Ganguly has made it clear that the national team will not resume training session before August. Nevertheless, many cricketers like R Ashwin, Mohammed Shami and Cheteshwar Pujara have resumed individual training in order to get in the groove as soon as possible.

Well, the good news for the cricket fans is that international cricket is set to resume with the first Test match between England and West Indies at the Rose Bowl in Southampton.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 08, 2020 01:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website