Former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh has found himself in the middle of a controversy. Yuvraj in April took part in the Instagram Live session with Rohit Sharma. During the interaction, both Yuvraj and Rohit mocked Yuzvendra Chahal for his TikTok videos. And, during the conversation made a comment against the spinner, which has apparently not gone well with the Twitterati. Fans are now sharing the clip and have demanded an apology from the former India all-rounder. ‘We Stand Against Racism’: England Cricket Board Shares Beautiful Message About Unity in Diversity.
The full video is available on Mumbai Indians YouTube channel, but the controversial bit, which is at the start, seems to have been removed somewhat. During the session, the two cricketers talked about the youngsters and Rohit’s rise apart from other things. Back then, the comment did not grab much attention, but now some users have managed to raise the issue. #युवराज_सिंह_माफी_मांगो (Yuvraj Singh Apologise) was one of the trending hashtags on Twitter after the video went viral.
Here’s the Viral Video
#युवराज_सिंह_माफी_मांगो अंतरराष्ट्रीय खिलाड़ी होते हुए युवराज कितनी छोटी सोच रखता है किसी जाति धर्म के लिए।@Profdilipmandal#युवराज_सिंह_माफी_मांगो
— Sonam Singh (@SonamSi38) June 1, 2020
The Reactions
The so called 'upper caste' people can never stand against caste system.
It makes them feel fuckin proud.
— Raj རཱ།ཟ (@r27_raj) June 2, 2020
With Fame Comes Responsibilty
Some Sports men , film star and so called intellectual are making money . They haven't any realized what social response ? Most important is public likes . #युवराज_सिंह_माफी_मांगो
— Swaraj (@Swaraj41874978) June 2, 2020
The Word
Hey @YUVSTRONG12 , is this your upbringing to use castiest abusive word Bh***i ? And laugh at it? What if your kids also learn this?
Hey @ImRo45 , you laughed at it when Yuvi says it? Shame on you both.
Apologize now Both#युवराज_सिंह_माफी_मांगो#Apologise_Rohit
— jasandeep singh (@jasan__deep) June 2, 2020
I respect Yuvraj very much in terms
of cricket,
But today i am shocked
How did such a big man think like this.#युवराज_सिंह_माफी_मांगो
— Ayushi Ambedkar (@ayushi_ambedkar) June 1, 2020
In social media circuit, Yuvraj has been in controversy many times. Recently, he was criticised for supporting Shahid Afridi’s foundation. Fans felt that Pakistan cricketer is always critical towards India and thus Yuvraj should not have supported his foundation. Afridi recently made controversial comments regarding Kashmir, and then Yuvraj along with Harbhajan Singh publicly vowed not to support Afridi in future. batting
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 02, 2020 10:29 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website