The IPL 2020 is more than a month away and the players have already started preparing for the cash-rich tournament. Suresh Raina has also joined the bandwagon and was seen hitting the nets for the same. He was seen donning the new kit of his team Chennai Super Kings and the franchise shared the video of the same on their social media account. The 13th edition of the Indian Premier League 2020 will be held in UAE. The most awaited tournament will begin on September 19, 2020, and will end on November 10, 2020. IPL 2020 Teams Want 3-Day Quarantine in UAE Instead of Six, Downtime and Contactless Food Delivery.
The matches will be conducted across Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi. The teams will be leaving for UAE on August 20, 2020. Chennai Super Kings was about to leave for UAE a week earlier but the teams have been requested to leave together keeping in mind the protocols of COVID 19. For now, let's have a look at the video shared by CSK.
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Pudhu jersey. New shoes. Naya pads. Kalakkre #ChinnaThala! 😍 #WhistlePodu 🦁💛
Suresh Raina also shared the snap on his social media account and used, "#WhistlePodu," as the caption of the picture.
Ahead of the tournament, Raina addressed a webinar and said that it would be interesting to see what the players are thinking. “You are playing in different circumstances and you have a lot of protocol from ICC and at the same time you are going to go through (Covid-19) tests every two-three weeks," he said during the interview. The 33-year-old CSK veteran also believes pitches in the UAE are similar to Chennai and things would turn out to be in favour of Chennai Super Kings.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 05, 2020 03:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website