Sara Tendulkar and Shubman Gill have been grabbing the headline for commenting on each other’s pictures on Instagram. Now Sara has thrown the caution in the wind and has shared the picture of Shubman Gill on her Instagram story. In her Instagram story, she was seen praising Gill’s fielding effort during the match against Mumbai Indians. She posted a snap and did not write anything but had shared it with the image of hearts on it. The image surely adds fuel to the fire as it is rumoured that two have been dating for a while now. Shubman Gill, Sara Tendulkar Share Pictures With Same Caption on Instagram, Fans Feel 'Something is Cooking' (See Posts).

Now very long ago Hardik Pandya had highlighted Gill's comment on Sara's profile. The two haven't been spotted together anywhere but the comments have already set the tongues wagging. A lot has been written about the two but both of them have remained tight-lipped about the same. Now let's have a look at the picture shared by Sara.

Sara Tendulkar's Instagram Story (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Prior to this, the two shared a picture with the same caption. This did not escape the eyes of the eagle-eyed netizens. The social media users had posted a few tweets speculating that something was surely brewing between the two. Talking about Shubman Gill, the he is currently in UAE for the IPL 2020 and the tournament is considered to be very important for him to cement his place in the side.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 24, 2020 03:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website