MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi on Friday slammed the media for publishing ‘false news’ regarding the former Indian captain. Sakshi took to her social media pages to hit out at media for “carrying false news” although she didn’t specify what exactly was the misinformation or “fake news” she was referring to. “Shame on You! I wonder where responsible journalism has disappeared!” said Sakshi in her post. Although Sakshi didn’t specify the exact piece of misinformation that was being circulated, she could have been perhaps referring to the criticism Dhoni has been receiving on social media for reportedly donating Rs 1 lakh through a crowdfunding source amidst the global coronavirus outbreak. MS Dhoni Gets Schooled by Sakshi Rawat Over Bike Parking, Says, ‘Park Where Its Meant to be Parked’.
“I request all media houses to stop carrying out false news at sensitive times like these! Shame on You! I wonder where responsible journalism has disappeared!” Sakshi Singh Rawat wrote in her post. She, however, refrained from calling out the exact piece of “fake news” that was being circulated online. Chennai Super Kings Posts Unseen Video of MS Dhoni Slamming Sixes in the Nets, Attempts to Cheer Fans Amid Coronaviurs Crisis.
Sakshi Dhoni Slams Media for Carrying Fake News
I request all media houses to stop carrying out false news at sensitive times like these ! Shame on You ! I wonder where responsible journalism has disappeared !
— Sakshi Singh 🇮🇳❤️ (@SaakshiSRawat) March 27, 2020
According to several reports, Dhoni has donated Rs 1 lakh via a crowdfunding website Ketto to the Mukul Madhav Foundation, a public charitable trust in Pune. Dhoni’s donation was part of the Rs 12.5 lakh amount target set by the trust to help victims of COVID-19 and those in distress due to the lockdown.
But while Dhoni’s intention was to help and support the nation in its fight against the pandemic and he received enormous praise for it, some fans were left disappointed on seeing their favourite cricket superstar reportedly donate such small amount and allegedly roasted him on the internet. Sakshi herself had shared details of the charitable trust on Instagram and urged others to donate as well.
Earlier, many from the sporting fraternity have come forward to contribute towards the COVID-19 relief fund and join the nation in fighting against the virus. Sachin Tendulkar and Gautam Gambhir donated Rs 50 lakh each, while Sourav Ganguly has pledged to donate rice worth Rs 50 lakh to those suffering due to the 21-day lockdown.
Badminton star PV Sindhu donated Rs 10 lakh, while wrestler Bajrang Punia and athlete Hima Das have pledged to donate six months and 1 months’ salary respectively. Pathan brothers Yusuf and Irfan also gave 4000 masks to the local health care for distributing it to the needy. Other members of the sports fraternity have also come forward to make contributions worldwide.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 27, 2020 05:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website