With the many major cricket activities around the world coming to a halt amid the COVID-19 pandemic, several prominent players became more active on social media than usual in order to interact with their fans. Recently, Indian opener Rohit Sharma went live on Instagram alongside out-of-favour batsman Suresh Raina. The duo talked about various topics ranging from cricket to personal life. During the course of the conversation, Rohit expressed his desire to see Raina back in the national team. The Chennai Super Kings (CSK)-star hasn’t played an international game since July 2018. However, the 33-year-old is still hopeful to don the blue jersey again. Rohit Sharma, Suresh Raina Select Combined Mumbai Indians-Chennai Super Kings Playing XI, Sachin Tendulkar, MS Dhoni in the Team.
The Mumbai Indians captain also revealed that several times players are discussing that the veteran player should comeback in the team owing to his all-round abilities and experience. "I know it is very tough to be out of the team after playing for so many years. We used to talk that we should have Raina in the team in some way. You have the experience and ability with bowling and fielding,” said Rohit.
"I feel that we have seen you play for such a long time, somewhere I feel that somehow or the other you should be back in the team. But then we will see, we make do with what we have in our hands," Rohit Sharma told Suresh Raina in the Instagram live session,” he added.
Responding to the opener, Raina said that he lost his place in the side after suffering an injury. However, he is still hopeful to get back in the national team. "I had an injury and a surgery which was a big reason why I lost my place. I still have a lot of cricket left in me. Selection is not in our hands, performances are. I have always enjoyed my cricket and the big players always backed us when we were young. So that is what we need, someone to support us and show the way," said the veteran of 226 ODI matches.
Well, the ICC T20 World Cup 2020 is scheduled to be played later this year. So, it will be interesting to see whether the national selectors will consider Raina’s prowess and select him in the team or not.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 12, 2020 11:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).