With IPL 2020 almost a week away, preparations are at galore. Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings will be the first ones to play in the IPL 2020. Now ahead of the tournament Mumbai Indians skipper Rohit Sharma was seen working on slip catches and grabbed one-handed stunner in the cordon. The official account of the Mumbai Indians shared the video of the same on their social media accounts where their skipper was seen taking a couple of catches and grabbed a stunner. Rohit Sharma and the team would be eyeing their fifth title. MI IPL 2020 Schedule With Date & Timings in IST: Mumbai Indians Matches of Indian Premier League 13 With Full Timetable, Fixtures in UAE
Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings have always produced a mouth-watering clash which has entrained the fans over the years. The battle is no less than an El Classico which keeps the fans hooked till the end with the games going down the live wire. Most of the times, it's the Mumbai Indians who have had an upper hand over MS Dhoni's Chennai Super Kings. Now, let's have a look at the video shared by the Mumbai Indians below:
The two have come across each other on 30 occasions where Rohit Sharma and men have won 18 games and 12 are won by MS Dhoni's Chennai Super Kings. The IPL 2020 match will between Mumbai Indians and Chennai Super Kings will be held at the Dubai International Stadium on September 19, 2020.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 12, 2020 09:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).