Rohit Sharma ahead of the fourth Test match between India and England, recently posted a snap on social media where he was seen sleeping on the ground with his chin rested over his hands. The picture went viral on social media for the caption where Hitman had spoken about the pitch. But a few other netizens made good use of the snap and posted it as a meme. The memes were extremely hilarious and edited the pictures. In fact, one of them even replaced Aamir Khan with Rohit Sharma next to Darsheel Safary. India vs England 4th Test 2021, Rain Forecast & Weather Report From Ahmedabad: Check Pitch Report of Motera Stadium.

The still was used in the famous film "Taare Zameen Par". In the other meme, he was placed on the bed with a hilarious caption. The memes made round on social media. Rohit Sharma has been in great form. In the third Test against England, he scored 66 runs in the first innings and 25 in the second innings. All eyes will be on Sharma as India will play the fourth and the last Test match on Thursday in Motera.

Now, let's have a look at the meme shared by netizens:

Another one 

Vada pav

Darsheel Safary

Last one

The four-match series currently stands on 2-1. England has already been ousted from the World Test Championship 2021. A win here and India will be in the finals of the tournament.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 03, 2021 07:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website