Ranchi (Jharkhand) [India], Mar 7: India pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar considers the remaining three ODIs of the five-match series against Australia part of the preparation for the 2019 World Cup, starting May 30.“We cannot take any match lightly. Obviously, these are the crucial matches for us going into the World Cup," he said. On being asked what will be his approach for the Indian Premier League (IPL)."IPL is something where we polish our skills and be in form but ODI and T20I are totally different. So we are approaching these matches (ODIs) as the last before the World Cup," Bhuvneshwar said. IND vs AUS 3rd ODI 2019: Not Worried About Getting Chance, Says Bhuvneshwar Kumar.

With Jasprit Bumrah and Mohammed Shami sharing the new-ball and India looking for a seam-bowling all-rounder for the playing XI, Bhuvneshwar, who was not part of the 2015 World Cup, is likely to warm the benches at the 2019 edition in England. However, not only Bumrah and Shami but the combination of Bumrah and Bhuvneshwar has also been successful."I am not worried about who is getting a chance and who is not getting. More importantly, it is about getting rest. Shami got to rest in New Zealand, I got to rest in this series (Australia). You want to be consistent and for that, you want to be fit. That is the reason why I took rest," Bhuvneshwar said.

"If Bumrah is taking wickets then I can contain runs so that there is pressure on the batsmen. These are things which we keep working on. Not just two of us but as a bowling unit, we keep in mind that if somebody is picking wickets, the other bowler's job is to not give away any runs. It could be vice versa, I could be taking wickets and he could be containing,” he added. India, with 2-0 up, will meet Australia for the third ODI to take an unassailable lead in the five-match series on March 8 in Ranchi.

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