MS Dhoni, who celebrates his 38th birthday today, had the cake cutting ceremony in the presence of team India players, daughter Ziva and wife Sakshi Dhoni. In a video shared by BCCI, Dhoni is seen handing over the knife to daughter Ziva first to do the honours. However, Ziva refuses to and then Dhoni proceeds to do the needful. Virat Kohli Wishes MS Dhoni on Birthday, Says 'You Will Always Be My Captain' in Heart-Touching Instagram Post.

Team India players Jasprit Bumrah, Ravindra Jadeja and head coach Ravi Shastri were also present during the cake cutting. Rohit Sharma along with daughter Samaira and wife Ritika Sharma also cheered Dhoni during the birthday celebration. Happy Birthday MS Dhoni: On Former Indian Captain's Birthday, Let's Have a Look at Five Gestures that Earned Mahi More Fans (Watch Video).

Watch the Video of MS Dhoni's Birthday Celebration Below

The adorable Ziva can be seen passing instructions to Dhoni on cutting the cake initially. Every body present in the room share a good laugh over Ziva Dhoni's mutterings.

At the end of the video, Yuzvendra Chahal, Kedar Jadhav, Kuldeep Yadav and KL Rahul wish Dhoni and can be seen having a chat with the former captain.

Dhoni, who is certainly playing his world cup in the present edition of the tournament, is playing in his fourth world cup. The 2011 World Cup winning captain will look to leave from international cricket on a high and hope that India lifts the world cup trophy on July 14. India will face New Zealand in the semi-finals of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 on July 9, 2019 at Manchester.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 07, 2019 07:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website