With cricket boards all around the world planning to resume action after COVID-19 break, players have also resumed training to get back in the groove as soon as possible. Veteran Indian pacer Mohammed Shami is also leaving no stones unturned to get his sheen back and one can visit his social media page to verify the fact. Recently, the right-arm pacer shared a video on Twitter in which he was seen bowling against his brother in his farmhouse. Shami shared a clip of some deliveries which he bowled during the session and he looked nothing less than lethal. Mohammed Shami Sprints With His Pet Dog Jack to Improve Running Speed (Watch Video).

“Quality practice session at my farm house all brothers together,” wrote Shami while sharing the video on the micro-blogging website. Well, the caption clearly depicts that the right-arm pacer was quite satisfied by resuming practice. However, this is certainly not a great piece of news for all the batsmen around the world. Meanwhile, let’s look at the clip shared by the talismanic pacer.

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Shami was last seen in action during the India vs New Zealand Test series earlier this year. His next assignment was set to get underway with the start of Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 where he would have aimed to guide Kings XI Punjab to their maiden title. However, just like many other sporting events, the gala T20 tournament was also postponed indefinitely due to the Coronavirus scare.

Nevertheless, IPL governing council chairman Brijesh Patel has stated that BCCI is planning to conduct the 2020 edition of the gala tournament in October-November. However, they have to wait for the official confirmation of International Cricket Council (ICC) regarding the postponement of the T20 World Cup.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 03, 2020 03:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).