Wasim Jaffer was accused of spreading communal bias in the Uttarakhand Cricket Association post which he took to social media and dismissed the allegations. Anil Kumble also supported him by tweeting in favour of Wasim Jaffer. Now, Manoj Tiwary has also extended his support to the former Indian and has also asked Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat to intervene in the matter and requested to take note of the issue. He also said that it was the right time to set an example. Wasim Jaffer was accused of favouring Iqbal Abdullah to be the skipper of the Uttarakhand team in place of Jay Bista. Anil Kumble Supports Wasim Jaffer After Former Indian Test Opener Dismisses Allegations of Communal Bias For Selection in Team Uttarakhand.

It was further said that he had called a few Maulvis for visits. Wasim Jaffer took to social media and that the Cricket Association of Uttarakhand favoured Iqbal Abdullah and not him. The former Indian Test opener said that he resigned only because of secretary and selectors favoured the non-deserving players. Post this, Anil Kumble supported Wasim Jaffer and said Jaffer did the right thing. Now Manoj Tiwary came in support of the Jaffer. Check out his tweet below:

Faiz Fazal a player from Vidarbha also supported Wasim Jaffer and said that he is like an elder brother and has never found anything wrong in his conduct. Akshay Radkar another player from Vidarbha also said that Jaffer selected players on the basis of talent and not religion.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 11, 2021 05:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).