Fans, on Thursday, were left surprised after Mumbai Indians launched their very own gaming chair. The five-time IPL champions took to social media to announce this development as they wrote, “Cheer for Mumbai Indians in style with the World's First Mumbai Indians Chair.” The chair is priced at Rs 29,999 and has the Mumbai Indians' blue and gold colours. While the base colour is blue, which sports the MI logo, there are golden stripes, much like in their IPL 2023 jersey. Additionally, they have also introduced a six-month no-cost EMI option for fans who want to own this special chair, which was out on a limited edition offer. The original price of this Mumbai Indians-themed gaming chair was Rs 44,999, which was slashed to Rs 29,999. Virat Kohli New Tattoo Meaning: Tattooist Reveals RCB Star’s ‘Spirituality’ Through Body Art Which Took More Than 12 Hours to Complete.
Many fans felt that Rs 29,999 was way too expensive for a gaming chair and reacted to the post made by the Mumbai Indians. Some joked that they could buy other stuff with the money instead of spending it on this chair. One fan even 'ordered' this chair. Take a look at some of the reactions by the fans. Rajasthan Royals Admin Beautifully Shuts Down Troll Who Called ‘RR and PBKS Irrelevant Teams in IPL’.
'30k for a chair?'
30k for a chair??
Things we do to milk the fanbase 🤦
— Dinesh Kumar Rajendran (@IDinezTweet) April 6, 2023
'What is This'
What is this?🤣
— GREH (@gireesshgiri369) April 6, 2023
'Can Survive for 4 Months'
Itne mai toh i can survive for 4 months 😭😭
— Shaik Khursheed Javed (@FadedJaved) April 5, 2023
'MI Bots are Going to Buy This'
Only MI bots are going to buy this
— AJAY (@ajay71845) April 5, 2023
Ordered 👍
— Krishna (@krishna__offl) April 5, 2023
Mumbai Indians started their IPL 2023 campaign on a disastrous note, losing to Royal Challengers Bangalore in a one-sided contest. The five-time IPL champions posted 171/7, a total that RCB chased down within 16.2 overs, with Faf du Plessis and Virat Kohli scoring stylish half-centuries. The Rohit Sharma-led side next face Chennai Super Kings at home and would hope to register their first points of the tournament from that match.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 06, 2023 03:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website