For days now the news of Chinese manufacturer Vivo parting way with IPL have dominated the headlines. Now the IPL confirmed the news to the agency ANI. "Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and Vivo Mobile India Pvt Ltd have decided to suspend their partnership for IPL in 2020: Indian Premier League, "read the statement from the Indian Premier League. A couple of days ago, one of the IPL franchises on the basis of anonymity had revealed the news of the Chinese manufacturer pulling way from the IPL 2020. The decision was taken after the kind of hostility which the Chinese brands have faced post the confrontation of the Indian Army with the Chinese at the Galwan Valley. IPL 2020: BCCI & VIVO Suspend Title Sponsor Association for Upcoming Season in UAE.
Post which even the Indian Government had banned 59 Chinese apps. The BCCI had initially decided to retain the brand but faced a backlash from the netizens as they went on to trend, #ChinesePremierLeague on social media. Most of them had said that they would boycott IPL is the BCCI did not snap ties with the Chinese brand.
Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and Vivo Mobile India Pvt Ltd have decided to suspend their partnership for IPL in 2020: Indian Premier League
— ANI (@ANI) August 6, 2020
The Kings XI Punjab owner Ness Wadia last month had already raised objections with the Chinese brands. He went on to say that the lives of our soldiers' matter and are much more important than anything else. The biggest headache now for the BCCI would be to find a new sponsor in such short notice. Vivo had replaced the cold brand Pepsi to be the title sponsor of the cash-rich league in 2017 and approximately gives Rs 433 crore to the BCCI.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 06, 2020 04:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website