Apart from hitting tall sixes and fours, the Indian captain, Virat Kohli has also displayed his prowess in dancing. Whether it was dancing with his wifey Anushka Sharma during his wedding or with his teammates, Virat Kohli has always been a pro at dancing and seldom leaves an opportunity to shake his leg. As we all know Virat is currently captaining RCB and even here the skipper was seen shaking his leg on the field before the match with Chennai Super Kings.
Since yesterday, this video of the RCB skipper dancing is going viral. As his has the last minute discussion about the game ahead of the toss, Virat after dressing up for the proceedings joins the team by dancing to the beats of the DJ. Check out the video which is going viral.
A day prior to his match, Virat even met three of his little fans. He interacted with the kids as they gifted him a note. Virat with a smile on his face autographed the same and even signed the bat. The RCB skipper shared the video of the same on the Instagram account. Virat captioned the video, “Always love meeting such confident kids. Such positive energy. 😊â€rgency, All Is Well in China? ‘Ground Reality’ Videos Dismiss Epidemic Claims Over ‘Surge’ in Human Metapneumovirus Cases, Show Life Remains Normal