The Indian cricket team has announced the squad for the three-match Test series which begins on November 14, 2019, at the Holkar Stadium in Indore. Shubman Gill has also received a call for the Test series. Virat Kohli who had been rested for the T20I series makes a comeback into the squad.  Also, Shahbaz Nadeem who snapped four wickets against South Africa in the last Test match against South Africa in Ranchi has been excluded. Rohit Sharma who adapted to the role of an opener quite perfectly by scoring over 500 runs against South Africa, has also been retained in the Test squad. India Squad For Bangladesh 2019 T20I Series Announced: Virat Kohli Rested, Sanju Samson Recalled and Shivam Dube Gets Maiden Call. 

Hardik Pandya who is down with a back injury remains unavailable for the Test series. The BCCI shared the squad for the Test and T20i match on their social media page. Mayank Agarwal who scored a double century in the first Test match at Vishakhapatnam has also been included in the squad for Bangladesh. Now, let’s have a look at the squad below:

The BCCI also announced the T20I squad:

The Men in Blue will also play a three-match Test series against the same opponent. Talking about the series, Bangladeshi cricketers called off their strike late on Wednesday after holding talks with the top brass of their cricket board, where they were assured that nearly all their demands would be met. Officials from the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BSB) and players had held the meeting to discuss the 13-point demand raised by the latter.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 24, 2019 05:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website