Mumbai, March 30: Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and he husband, cricketer superstar Virat Kohli, have pledged to support the Prime Minister's Relief Fund and Chief Minister's (Maharashtra) Relief Fund in the ongoing battle against the coronavirus pandemic. A source in the industry told IANS that Virat and Anushka have jointly donated Rs. 3 crore towards the cause. Anushka on Monday morning tweeted: "Virat and I are pledging our support towards PM-CARES Fund & the Chief Minister's Relief Fund (Maharashtra). Our hearts are breaking looking at the suffering of so many & we hope our contribution, in some way, helps easing the pain of our fellow citizens #IndaFightsCorona."

Virat too took to Twitter to make the announcement. "Anushka and I are pledging our support towards PM-CARES Fund & the Chief Minister's Relief Fund (Maharashtra). Our hearts are breaking looking at the suffering of so many & we hope our contribution, in some way, helps easing the pain of our fellow citizens #IndiaFightsCorona," he wrote. Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev Pledges Rs 25 Crore to PM CARES Fund to Combat Coronavirus, Appeals Followers to Contribute.

Anushka Sharma's Tweet

In a joint statement, the power couple said they were pledging their "support towards PM-CARES Fund & the Chief Minister's Relief Fund (Maharashtra)." "Our hearts are breaking looking at the suffering of so many & we hope our contribution, in some way, helps easing the pain of our fellow citizens," they added.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 30, 2020 07:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website