Indian and Mumbai Indians all-rounder turns 27 and birthday wishes are pouring in for him from all around the world. On the occasion, Natasha Stankovic took to her Instagram page and penned a heartfelt note for her husband. The Serbian actress showered praises on Pandya, thanking him for giving all the happiness. Alongside posting some adorable pictures with her better-half, Natasha also shared some unseen photos and a video of the MI star with their son Agastya. In the clip, Pandya was looking absolutely delighted while playing with his little munchkin.  Fans were nothing but heart whelmed after coming across the emotional post as they flooded the comment section with praises. Happy Birthday Hardik Pandya: Virat Kohli, KL Rahul Lead Cricket Fraternity in Wishing Mumbai Indians All-Rounder.

“Happy bday to my favourite, my best friend and my love. You bring so much joy and happiness in our lives. I’m thankful for you and for every moment that we have spent together. Can’t wait for you to come back and spend time with Agastya as he is definitely missing you the most you are the best and we love you. Keep shining and inspiring us. You deserve all the happiness in the world@hardikpandya93 #tothemoonandback,” wrote Natasha while sharing the snap and videos on the picture-sharing website. Hardik Pandya Birthday Special: 91 vs KKR & Other Ridiculously Awesome Performances by Mumbai Indians All-Rounder in IPL.

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The love birds welcomed their first child Agastya on July 30 this year. However, Pandya had to leave for UAE within a month after his baby’s birth. As of now, the Mumbai Indians swashbuckler is participating in Dream11 Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020. He’ll take the field later in the evening against Delhi Capitals and will like to make his birthday even more special by putting up a match-winning performance.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 11, 2020 06:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website