Harbhajan Singh has pulled out from the IPL 2020 and a few minutes ago took to social media and officially informed his fans about the same. Bhajji said that he had pulled out from the IPL 2020 citing personal reasons and sent good wishes to Chennai Super Kings for the tournament. He had been absent from a week-long camp that Chennai Super Kings had conducted in Chennai before leaving for IPL 2020. It was said that his mother has been unwell and thus had missed out on the camp. Upset CSK Fans Trend Funny Memes After Harbhajan Singh Pulls Out of IPL 2020 (See Reactions).

Back then, when Team CSK landed in UAE on August 21, 2020, it was widely reported that Bhajji would join the team in the next few days. However that did not happen and only a couple of days ago, CSK CEO said that Bhajji would let the team know about his unavailability in the next few days. The tweet posted a few minutes ago, read, also read that he wishes to spend his time with his family in these difficult times. Check out the tweet below:

This proves to be a big jolt for Chennai Super Kings, primarily because the pitches in UAE have been supporting the spinner and the absence of Bhajji would ve quite fatal for the Yellow Army. The fans are also quite upset with the same. The netizens took to social media and sounded extremely disappointed with the pullout. Prior to this even Suresh Raina withdrew from the IPL 2020.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 04, 2020 05:27 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).