Former India captain and wicket-keeper batsman MS Dhoni took to Instagram as he announced his retirement from international cricket. The Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captain shared a showreel of his career which featured the highs and lows of his career. The video was accompanied by famous Hindi song 'Main Pal Do Pal Ka Shayar Hoon' Dhoni's retirement was on cards, but many expected it post the Indian Premier League 2020 (IPL 2020). Dhoni has not made it clear whether he will continue playing post IPL 2020 or not. However, it appears that retirement is purely from international cricket. Meanwhile, here we try to decode Dhoni's retirement announcement post. MS Dhoni Announces Retirement from International Cricket, Likely to Continue Playing in IPL.
No Retirement from IPL: The showreel video posted by Dhoni has images of him while representing India. And that indicates, he will continue playing IPL and represent CSK in future.
Independence Day: Dhoni is known for his patriotism, and he chose India's 74th Independence Day to retire from international cricket. After MS Dhoni, Suresh Raina Announces Retirement from International Cricket.
Main Pal Do Pal Ka Shayar Hoon' Song: The song Dhoni chose to go with his retirement video is from famous Bollywood movie Kabhi Kabhie which was released in 1976. The song was picturized on Amitabh Bachchan and sung by Mukesh. It was composed by Khayyam and written by Sahir Ludhianvi. It is an emotional song about life.
MS Dhoni Retirement Announcement
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Thanks a lot for ur love and support throughout.from 1929 hrs consider me as Retired
Debut and Last Match Run Out: Interestingly, in his debut match against Bangladesh Dhoni was run-out and in his last match against New Zealand he was dismissed in a similar mode. So, Dhoni started the showreel with run-out from his debut match and ended it with run-out in the last match for India.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 15, 2020 09:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website