Imran Patel, a 35-year-old professional cricketer lost his life following a cardiac arrest during a league match in Pune. The incident was caught live on camera as the match was live streaming for the viewers. As per the report in Times of India, Imran Patel was playing a cricket match at the Garware Stadium in the city on Thursday. Captaining his side - Lucky Builders And Developers, he came to bat as an opener and even played offensive shots. He later started to complain of chest and arm pain after spending some time on the pitch. He left the ground taking permission from the on-field umpires however, while heading back to the pavilion, Imran collapsed. Anshuman Gaekwad Dies: Former Indian Cricketer and Head Coach Passes Away at Age 71 After Long Battle With Cancer.

Imran Patel Cardiac Arrest Incident Caught on Camera

one of the team players Naseer Khan said, “He did not have any medical history and was instead in a good physical state he was a good all-rounder and loved the game.“ while speaking to the reporters. Imran was an all-rounder and was active all throughout the match. The reason behind his death, hence, left many stunned. Some reports also mentioned that Imran had a wife and three daughters.  Real-estate business owner Imran Patel was a renowned person in the region for his cricket skills and also ran a juice shop.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 29, 2024 11:31 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website