Chandigarh, August 22: Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, seeking Bharat Ratna - the highest civilian award of the country - for ailing triple Olympic hockey gold medallist Balbir Singh Senior."Wrote to PM Narendra Modiji, requesting to award Bharat Ratna to Shri Balbir Singh (Sr) for his outstanding performance in hockey," Amarinder Singh tweeted on Thursday. Bharat Ratna for Pranab Mukherjee Fitting Recognition for His Service to Nation, Says PM Narendra Modi.
He also tagged the letter which he wrote to the Prime Minister on Wednesday. The Chief Minister last month visited Balbir Singh (Sr) at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) here to present him the Maharaja Ranjit Singh Award for excellence in sports. BJP Lawmaker Demands Bharat Ratna for PM Narendra Modi.
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Wrote to PM @NarendraModi ji, requesting to award Bharat Ratna to Shri Balbir Singh (Sr) for his outstanding performance in Hockey. He was a 3 time Olympic gold champion having played an imp role in 1948,1952 & Captain of 1956 win. He is the greatest ever centre-forward.
— Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) August 22, 2019
He also released an amount of Rs 5 lakh for his treatment. Balbir Singh (Sr), 94, was a member of three Olympic gold medal-winning teams - at London (1948), Helsinki (1952) and Melbourne (1956). He was also the captain of the Indian hockey team at Melbourne and the flag-bearer of the Indian Olympic contingent. He was the manager of the 1975 World Cup-winning team.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 22, 2019 10:52 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website