Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested in France recently, leading to various misconceptions about the country’s stance on freedom of expression and innovation. French officials have clarified that this arrest is part of an ongoing judicial investigation and is not politically motivated,  said President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron on X (formerly Twitter). He also mentioned that France, a staunch advocate for freedom of expression and entrepreneurial spirit, remains committed to upholding these values. The French government emphasised that the arrest occurred within the framework of the rule of law, which ensures that freedoms are maintained while protecting citizens' rights. According to French authorities, the judiciary operates independently and is responsible for enforcing the law. This judicial process will proceed without political interference, as the country’s legal system handles the matter with the utmost integrity. France's commitment to freedom of communication and innovation continues, even as it addresses the legal issues surrounding the arrest of Pavel Durov. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrest: Instant Messaging Platform Denies Responsibility for Abuse on It, Calls Such Claims ‘Absurd’.

French President Emmanuel Macron Denies Political Interference, Says France Remains Deeply Committed to Freedom of Expression  


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