Elon Musk's X has launched a new feature on the platform called "see similar posts" on Android-run mobiles. The new X Feature will allow users to find similar posts on the platform and get more information about the news or updates for a particular topic. However, this new feature is currently available for the X Premium users. Elon Musk's X has recently introduced many new features to enhance the users' experience and ease of use. It has become more than just a "micro-blogging platform" as the users can now publish longform posts and get many other benefits. Meta Expands ‘Take It Down’ Programme to More Countries and Languages To Help Millions of Teens Combat Sextortion.
X Launches New Feature Called 'See Similar Posts':
NEWS: The "see similar posts" feature has finally launched on Android!
Note: Currently only available for X Premium users pic.twitter.com/BMB8wq5ZbH
— X News Daily (@xDaily) February 6, 2024
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