Edward Snowden, a whistleblower and former NSA intelligence contractor spoke his mind about the whole situation of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest and attacks on the platforms promoting free speech. Edward Snowden said, "First they came for TikTok, and I did not speak out.... Then they came for Telegram..." He further said that they came out for every other platform for dissent. During these times he said he did not speak out but now told people to wake up. Recently, the whistleblower defended Pavel Durov who was arrested in France over several allegations and said that the Telegram CEO's arrest was an assault on human rights. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrest: Instant Messaging Platform Denies Responsibility for Abuse on It, Calls Such Claims ‘Absurd’.

Edward Snowden Said ‘Now They Come for Every Other Platform’ Amid Pavel Durov’s Arrest in France

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