WhatsApp's official public channel has achieved over 100 million followers. The official WhatsApp Public Channel informs its followers about the latest "features, launches, updates, exclusive drops and more related to the platform. Now, the public channel has '10,02,34,666' followers and more joining every minute. WhatsApp Beta or 'WABetaInfo(@WABetaInfo)' posted about the achievement on X (formerly Twitter). The post read, "The official WhatsApp channel has achieved 100 million followers on @WhatsApp". The WhatsApp Channels feature was first introduced in June 2023 to allow administrators like content creators, public figures, and organisations to share different forms of content directly with their followers. The admin can share text, photos, videos, stickers and polls using channels. WhatsApp celebrates over 100 million followers on the platform who are likely interested in the platform, its features and updates. Elon Musk Shares Latest Usage Metrics for X, Says ‘Platform Is Seeing Incredible Usage Growth’.
WhatsApp Crosses 100 Million Users on Its Public Channel:
The official WhatsApp channel has achieved 100 million followers on @WhatsApp. pic.twitter.com/KLvanPRsIS
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 5, 2024
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