WhatsApp has rolled out a new feature called "Chat alerts for the iOS beta testers in its iOS update. The new feature allows the users to have increased transparency to the platform. The new WhatsApp Channel Alert feature will be visible within the channel's info screen, giving insight to the channel's owners. According to the WABetaInfo post, WhatsApp channel owners can quickly identify the issues affecting their channels and the updates violating the channel guidelines. The WhatsApp Channel Alert feature will help the owners maintain the integrity of the channels, safeguard them, and keep them compliant with the channel community. For now, it is annoucned for beta testers through TestFlight Beta Program but will soon be rolled out for all the users. X New Feature Update: Elon Musk-Owned Platform Is Bringing Video to Spaces Soon.
WhatsApp New Chat Alert Feature Rolled Out for iOS Beta Testers:
📝 WhatsApp beta for iOS what's new?
WhatsApp is rolling out a feature to check channel alerts, and it’s available to some beta testers!
Some beta testers may get the same feature with the past updates. Sorry for posting the news so late 💚https://t.co/cYfF3yr1c0 pic.twitter.com/dSo8G0f7Kc
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) December 12, 2023
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