Vivo is set to launch its latest smartphone, the Vivo V30e, today in India at 12 PM. Vivo has also teased its upcoming smartphone, the Vivo V30e, on social media platforms. The smartphone will come in two colour options, which is expected to include velvet green and silk blue, each adding a touch of elegance to the sleek design of the smartphone. As per reports, the Vivo V30e is expected to be equipped with the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processor. The Vivo V30e might include 8GB of RAM with two storage variants. The smartphone is anticipated to have a 6.78-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. The smartphone may be provided with a 5,500mAh battery and supported by 44W fast charging capability. The smartphone might run on Android 14-based FutouchOS and will likely be priced between Rs 25,000 to Rs 30,000. Moto Buds, Moto Buds+ Launch Confirmed on May 9, Motorola Reveals Design and Key Specifications of Its New TWS Earbuds; Check Expected Price.

Vivo V30e To Launch Today

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