Telegram launched an affordable way called 'Telegram Gateway' for the businesses using the platform to authenticate the customer phone numbers. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced that the businesses would have to pay USD 0.01 per code delivered worldwide. Durov said that Telegram had been paying huge rates to verify around a billion users so others would not have to do. He added that the Telegram Gateway was faster, more secure compared to traditional SMS verification. Gmail Users at Risk of AI-Powered Spoofing; Know How To Secure Your Account.
Telegram Launches 'Telegram Gateway' for Fast, Secure Customer Authentication for Businesses
⚡ Telegram has launched the most affordable way for businesses to authenticate customer phone numbers — just $0.01 per code delivered worldwide. It's faster, cheaper, and more secure than traditional SMS verification, with payments made in TON. More details:…
— Pavel Durov (@durov) October 14, 2024
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