The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has scheduled the SpaDeX Docking event for Thursday, January 9. Sharing a live streaming link of the event on its YouTube page, ISRO said that the SpaDeX docking mission, which was originally scheduled for January 7, will take place at 8 AM on January 9. Notably, ISRO launched its Space Docking experiment (SpaDex) mission last month on Monday, December 30, at 10 PM. The SpaDeX Mission was launched onboard a PSLV-C60 rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. Watch the SpaDeX mission event below to witness India's fist space docking experiment of two satellites. ISRO SpaDeX Mission: Home Minister Amit Shah Congratulates Indian Space Research Organisation on Successful Launch of Space Docking Experiment Mission.

ISRO to Live Stream SpaDeX Docking Event on January 9

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