The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Saturday shared an update about the Aditya-L1 Mission. Taking to X, formerly Twitter, ISRO said that the spacecraft has traveled beyond a distance of 9.2 lakh kilometres from Earth, successfully escaping the sphere of Earth's influence. "It is now navigating its path towards the Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 1 (L1)", ISRO stated. The space agency also said that it is the second time in succession that ISRO has sent a spacecraft outside the sphere of influence of the Earth, the first time being the Mars Orbiter Mission. Aditya L1 Mission Starts Collection Scientific Data; Will Help Scientists Analyse Behaviour of Particles Surrounding Earth, Says ISRO.
Aditya L1 Update
Aditya-L1 Mission:
🔸The spacecraft has travelled beyond a distance of 9.2 lakh kilometres from Earth, successfully escaping the sphere of Earth's influence. It is now navigating its path towards the Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 1 (L1).
🔸This is the second time in succession that…
— ISRO (@isro) September 30, 2023
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