Realme GT 7 Pro, powered by Snapdragon 8 Elite, will be launched in India on November 26, 2024 (tomorrow). The Realme GT 7 Pro pre-booking has already started at INR 999. The device is expected to include a 6.78-inch OLED Plus curved display offering a maximum 120Hz refresh rate and 6,000 nits of peak brightness. The device is expected to have up to 16GB LPDDR5X RAM and 1TB internal storage. The Realme GT 7 Pro may offer a 5,800mAh battery instead of 6,500mAh with 120W fast charging in India. Besides these, it would likely have several AI features like AI Ultra Blur, AI Gaming Super Resolution and more. It may house a 50 MP IMX906 camera, 8 MP ultrawide and 50 MP periscope 3x camera on the rear. HONOR 300 Series Launch Confirmed on December 3, Coming With Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 in China; Check Expected Specifications and Features.

Realme GT 7 Pro With Snapdragon 8 Elite Set to Launch Tomorrow, on November 26 in India

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