Realme 14 Pro series 5G will be launched in India on January 16, 2025. The series will include two models, Realme 14 Pro 5G and Realme 14 Pro+ 5G. The company unveiled the processor of its upcoming smartphones. In a post, Realme said, "Unleash unmatched power with the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 Chip on the Realme 14 Pro Series 5G. So powerful, it’s breaking records and setting higher scores than ever before." The Realme 14 Pro 5G and Realme 14 Pro+ 5G are expected to be powered by the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 processor. The smartphones may feature a Quad-curve display. The camera setup may include a 50MP main sensor, 8MP ultrawide, and a 50MP periscope telephoto camera. The smartphones may include a 32MP front camera. The Realme 14 Pro series 5G will be available in a variety of colour options. The Realme 14 Pro 5G will come in Suede Grey, Jaipur Pink, and Pearl White. Additionally, the Realme 14 Pro+ 5G will be offered in Suede Grey, Pearl White, and Bikaner Purple colour options. Realme 14 Pro+ 5G is expected to be priced at around INR 30,000 in India. OnePlus 13R Sale Begins in India; Check Price, Specifications and Features of OnePlus 13 Series Smartphone.
Realme 14 Pro Series 5G Processor
Unleash unmatched power with the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 Chip on the #realme14ProSeries5G! So powerful, it’s breaking records and setting higher scores than ever before.
Launching on 16th Jan, 12 Noon
Know more:
— realme (@realmeIndia) January 13, 2025
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