Realme is set to launch the Realme 14 Pro series 5G in India on January 16, 2025. The Realme 14 Pro series 5G will include Realme 14 Pro 5G and Realme 14 Pro + 5G models. Realme teases the upcoming Realme 14 Pro series 5G will come with a “powerful flagship chipset and a 6000mAh Mega Battery, multi-tasking has a new royal benchmark.” The smartphones from the series is said to be super slim with 7.55mm thickness and will arrive with a Quad-curve display. The display of the smartphone will deliver 1.5K resolution. The series will come with the world's 1st triple-flash camera setup. Realme 14 Pro Series 5G Confirmed To Launch in India on January 16, 2025; Check Specifications and Features Upcoming Realme 14 Pro 5G, Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G.

Realme 14 Pro Series 5G To Feature 6,000mAH Battery

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