Realme 14 Pro series 5G will be launched today, January 16, 2025, in India, with a colour-changing cold-sensitive design and a powerful rear camera setup. The smartphone will be launched with a triple camera flash, a quad-curved 1.5 AMOLED display, the latest Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 processor and a super slim 7.55mm design. The company will offer the smartphone in Suede Leather, Pearl White and India-exclusive Bikaner Purple and Jaipur Pink. It will offer a 6,000mAh battery with fast charging, support of 90fps BGMI gameplay and a few AI features. Realme 14 Pro price in India is expected to start at INR 29,999, and the Realme 14 Pro Plus 5G price may be set at around INR 34,999. Honor Magic7 Pro Launch Tomorrow in Europe; Check Expected Specifications and Features.

Realme 14 Pro Series 5G Launch Live Streaming Link - '2025 Belongs to Kings: SRK and Realme'

Realme 14 Pro Series 5G Launch on January 16, 2025

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