Realme has announced the launch of its new Realme 13 Pro series in India, confirming key specifications ahead of data announcements. Realme said the upcoming Realme 13 Pro series would be the 'First Professional AI Camera Phone'. On its official website page, Realme showed the legacy of the Pro series by highlighting the 108MP camera of the Realme 10 Pro Series 5G, the 200MP camera of the Realme 11 Pro Series 5G and achievements by this year's Realme 12 Pro Series 5G. The Chinese smartphone company has now hinted at a new Realme 13 Pro series 5G with HyperImage+ Camera with AI features. In January 2024, Realme launched its Realme 12 Pro Series 5G with impressive camera specifications and up to 100X zoom capability. The company will soon announce the Realme 13 Pro Series 5G launch date in India, along with the processor, camera lens, and its premium design. Apple Files Patent Request Titled ‘Stretchable Display’, Aiming To Launch Devices With Screens That Can Stretch Not Fold: Reports.

'All Eyes on AI Revolution' -  Realme 13 Pro Series Teased in India: 

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