Realme 12 Pro series 5G is set to be launched in India on January 29, 2024. However, ahead of the launch, Realme has teased some of the features of the upcoming smartphones. Realme 12 Pro series will be launched with an AI-Generated 'colour watermark'. Besides, the company also announced that the new smartphone will have up to 120x Superzoom capability and will feature the attractive 'Luxury Watch Design'. The Chinese smartphone maker also shared a side-by-side photo comparison with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and its new Realme 12 Pro series 5G. Check all the announced specifications and features of the upcoming series here. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Google Pixel 8 Pro; Check Full Comparison; Know Difference of Specifications, Features and Price

Realme 12 Pro Smartphones to feature 'Sony IMX890' Sensor: 

Realme 12 Pro Series 5G to have 'AI Generated' Colour Watermark:

Realme 12 Pro Series to launch with '120X Superzoom' Capability: 

Realme 12 Pro Smartphones 'Luxury Watch Design'

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