Telegram founder Pavel Durov has taken a veiled dig at Mark Zuckerberg after Meta announced to replace fact-checkers with X-like Community Notes to ensure "free expression". In a post on X, Durov said Telegram's commitment to freedom of speech does not depend on the US electoral cycle. Notable, Zuckerberg said that the recent US electtion played a role in Meta's decision to prevent "too much censorship". "I’m proud that Telegram has supported freedom of speech long before it became politically safe to do so. Our values don’t depend on US electoral cycles," Durov wrote on Wednesday, January 8. He further said: "Today, other platforms are announcing they’ll now have less censorship. But the real test of their newly discovered values will come once the political winds change again. It’s easy to say you support something when you risk nothing." Tech billionaire Elon Musk also reacted to Durov's post and said: "Good for you."

Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Reacts To Meta's Decision To End Fact-Checking

Elon Must Reacts To Pavel Durov's Remarks

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